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Our Mission Statement

Spirit-filled, joyful and welcoming all people, St. James is a community of believers in Christ who seek to grow in faith and serve with love.

Reconciling in Christ – Statement of Affirmation and Welcome

 Adopted on June 11, 2017


“In our awareness that we are all broken people, we rejoice in God’s abundant grace. Therefore, we welcome all who are seeking God’s love and forgiveness regardless of national origin or ancestry, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, abilities, beliefs, political views, financial resources, or family status.

There will always be a place for you at St. James.”

Shared Facility

All Saints Episcopal Church is renting space in our building and their congregation worships in the sanctuary at 10:30 am each Sunday. Our website features a shared online calendar of events.


St. James has a proud history of reaching out to the world with a message of God’s love since 1953. A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we invite all to join us as together we grow in faith and serve in love. Further information is available in the brochure, “St. James Lutheran Church”, and in the booklet, “Getting to Know St. James Lutheran Church“.

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