Meet The Staff
Don Knowles
Pastor Knowles is the pastor at Calvary Lutheran in Moline. Starting on Aug. 1, 2017 he is also the pastor at St. James.
He is a graduate of Augustana College (Rock Island) and Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (PA). Pastor Knowles is married to Mary, and they have two children, Nathan and Kendall.
You can contact Pastor Knowles at 815-866-9595 (cell),
Trish Myers
Office Administrator
Trish started as the St. James office administrator in July, 2017.
Doug Nelson
Doug has faithfully served as the treasurer at St. James for more than 30 years. Because of his experience, he is often relied upon for his insights when financial decisions are being made within the congregation.
He is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Augustana College.
John Hildreth
Music Director
John is on the faculty of the Music Department at Augustana College where he has completed over 30 years of service.
He has taught courses in the History and Literature of Western Music, Music Theory, Music in General Studies, History of American Music, African-American Music, Women in Music, the Art of Listening and Ethnomusicology, and has published his own materials for teaching in these areas.
He has served as organist and choirmaster at various places, including Augustana where he served as chapel organist for a number of years.
He serves as organist and choir director for St. James and All Saints Episcopal Church.
You may leave a message for any of the staff members with the church office at (309) 786-0503.